Project Dreamcatcher: Week Three

It’s time to set some deadlines. I will now absolutely put out of my mind all the deadlines that I let pass by this year. 

In week two, I listed the steps I’m going to take. 

  1. Happy Things: Yup, already flaked on this one, but I made up for it, see? In my defense, I have no reason to keep up with the date, so June 20 and my second installment passed me by with not a shred of recognition. 
  2. ‘Have Done’ collage: I’ll have that done, hanging up, and shared here by next Saturday, June 29. 
  3. List the things about myself that I’m not happy with: I’ll have that done and shared by June 30. 
  4. Prioritize said list: I’ll choose the top two when I finish the list, then prioritize the remainder by July 7.
  5. Work on items one by one: after prioritization, I’ll be able to look at my list and know what will need more time than others, and delegate accordingly. This will necessitate a certain flexibility that will definitely be on the list. I suck at flexibility. 
  6. Starting right this very minute, I will not worry about sticking to this schedule without fail. I already kicked myself for the Happy Things slip-up, so I’m done. Done, I tell you!
  7. And throwing another one in there, I’ll finish my novel Golem by October 1, giving me a month for editing and cover before NaNoWriMo 2013–in which I will make it a trilogy, yay! Cue freak-out. 

8 Comments on “Project Dreamcatcher: Week Three”

  1. jjiraffe says:

    Awesome! Yes. Not beating ourselves up is KEY to this whole thing. And the Have Dones seems to be a key to that.

    Whoa: about finishing Golem and making the series a triology. I’m in awe you’ve published Minotaur, let alone two more! You GO!!!

    • April says:

      Trilogy sounds like a good place for a pause…maybe after that I can write the story I actually intended to write last November!

      Thanks for the encouragement!!

  2. SRB says:

    I think #6 is absolutely key. Proud of you, April. You’ve picked a tough challenge, but you got this!

  3. St. Elsewhere says:

    All the best for finishing Golem. You seem to be prioritizing well.


  4. Stasy says:

    Gah! For some reason, your blog quit showing up in my feed, so I had no idea you have been posting this whole time.

    Must catch up!

  5. OOO this sounds awesome. Reminds me of my new 101 in 1,001 days project that we started for our 2013 project.

    Dont look back!!! Keep moving forward!

  6. I should be taking notes and following your example, well done. Onward and upward.:)

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