W is for Write

Of course!

I have really enjoyed participating in this A to Z Challenge so far. It’s one of the things I’m giving credit to for my improved mood. It’s been somewhat of a break from blogging without really taking a break. A month of frivolity. Many thanks to marwil for signing up and encouraging others to do so!

I’ve already admitted my slacking off on writing my sequel to Minotaur, and to top it off, I actually set it aside yesterday to start a new novel. Sudden inspiration hit, and I spit out 2200 good words last night. But writing’s writing, right?

I’m also telling myself that I’ve been doing a much better job of keeping up with my blog reading and commenting. If my inbox is any measure, I’m telling myself the truth.

But tomorrow will bring the real challenge. What can I do with X?

10 Comments on “W is for Write”

  1. Kathy says:

    Awesome that you made it to W and of course is write/right! 🙂 So cool when that sudden inspiration hit and glad you were able to run with it!

  2. Nice to meet you. Like you, I haven’t written much of anything except blog posts this month. I’ll be ready to roll with fiction come May 1.

  3. Like how you write, I’ll come back to read more:)
    maggie at expat brazil

  4. marwil says:

    Well done for sticking with it, and you are right, it has been sort of a break doing something different. Just a few more days to go! It must be a great feeling when inspiration hit like that, my ideas are still just in my head.

  5. Stasy says:

    Good for you for sticking with it and for realizing you needed to get down those 2200 words.

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