Naan for the Sickies

Ian and Abby have been coughing, sniffling, and sneezing for about two weeks now, but I managed to stay out of it.

Until yesterday, when I woke up a little snotty. Today I just feel cruddy, but I know I’ll only feel worse if I stay in bed.

So I decided to make naan. I’d never tried it before, but ever since seeing it here last week, it’s been in the back of my mind.

Man oh man, this stuff is awesome!

Crusty, fluffy, chewy, buttery, full of good bread flavor.

And it really wasn’t as labor-intensive as I feared it would be, although more than my two square feet of counter space would have been nice for rolling it out.

Four fit nicely on my griddle. I think this is going to be made a lot more often. Abby will have tons of fun helping me roll them out…then we can devour them with some vegan chili while Ian’s at work.

20 Comments on “Naan for the Sickies”

  1. SM says:

    I love naan! I’m huge fan of curry and it goes so well with it. I’ve never been able to make it right but I might try that recipe.

  2. Ooohhh Naan! I love it. 😉 I like to pair it with Tandoori Chicken and Creamed Spinach. Okay, now I’m hungry…. lol 🙂

  3. Kate says:

    I am jealous. This no eating wheat thing that my body has done to me is no bueno. I want naan!! (I tried a gluten free kind and it tasted kind of ok, but sat like a rock in my stomach for like three days. Boooooo.)

  4. I’m totally making this!

  5. jjiraffe says:

    Um, YUM!!! Naan is my favorite part of any Indian meal. This looks amazing.

    • April says:

      I’ve never had a traditional Indian meal, only the occasional homemade curry. But I’m definitely making more naan next curry!

  6. Kathy says:

    That looks delicious! I have never heard of naan! It looks like a pancake! What’s the difference? Okay, now I am craving one… 🙂

    • April says:

      Um, it’s bready, not cakey. Lol! Great explanation, I know. It’s a dough, not a batter. Not much better! I guess you’ll have to make some too. 🙂

      • Kathy says:

        You have peaked my interest! I need to add this to the list of things I want to try to make when I finally motivate myself to try to make something new. I tend to make the same things over and over again, but I am very curious to try this!

      • April says:

        Yay! We have our favorites that I make most of the time, but I love trying something new like this, especially when it becomes a new favorite!

  7. Fiona says:

    Yum this looks so good!! I have never tried making Naan bread but I really want to and maybe this will remind me to do so. I wonder if Lids would actually eat it now while sick? Must give it a try!

    • April says:

      Abby will eat herself sick on it, but then, she doesn’t have any real food dislikes except cantaloupe, just food preferences. I promise this was totally easy, though. You could play hooky from working one day while Lids is at daycare and whip some up…:)

  8. I’m a big fan of naan, but I’d never thought of actually MAKING it. You’ve inspired me! (And made me drool).

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