Vegetation Infatuation

Today’s Daily Prompt:

Your personal sculptor is carving a person, thing or event from the last year of your life. What’s the statue of and what makes it so significant?

A radish, of course!

There’s no way to put this without sounding cheesy, but I feel that I’ve really found myself in the past year. 

I’ve learned to make time for myself by making time for the things that I enjoy. I started writing every day. My already-out-of-control nail polish collection has branched out to include more accessories for nail art. My average-sized makeup collection has possibly surpassed said out-of-control nail polish collection. I got four new piercings. I sport a Mohawk. I read more. 

And of course, I spend plenty of time with my amazing husband. 

Or maybe it’s just a midlife crisis.


8 Comments on “Vegetation Infatuation”

  1. LRose says:

    Whatever is right!

  2. tnkerr says:

    When you buy a Harley or a Ferrari you can think mid-life crisis. Barring those things I’d guess you’re just having fun.

  3. I adore the confidence you sport here in your writing space and on IG, your visual space. Everyone should have such a “crisis!”

  4. abbiosbiston says:

    I totally feel the midlife crisis vibe…

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