Goodbye to Bruce

Today we said our final goodbyes to Bruce after a week at the animal hospital with kidney failure and esophagitis.



We love you, Brucie. You’re a good boy.

9 Comments on “Goodbye to Bruce”

  1. Elisha says:

    Awe! I am so sorry! This breaks my heart :/

  2. Abbi says:

    Aww poor Bruce. My kitty, Freely, who was almost exactly the same colouring as Bruce also died from kidney failure. It’s awful.

  3. 😦 It must be sad to see a loved one go

  4. Rory says:

    Oh! I smiled big to see a post from you but it quickly fell. I’m so sorry about Bruce.

  5. […] you’re relatively new here, you probably haven’t heard about Bruce Lee.       He was a really good jumper. As a super long cat, he had the […]

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